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Leo Labs

LeoLabs is developing a network of ground-based phased array radars that can track assets in space & debris as small as 2cm, with frequent revisits.


Leo Labs

LeoLabs technology develops a network of radars that produces high-resolution on objects in low Earth orbit (LEO) – which provides information on vital space infrastructure. This provides industries that rely on satellite services and infrastructure with support they need to keep their services up and running. This contributes to Target 9.1 as LeoLabs develops regional and transborder infrastructure from different radars in the U.S (one in Texas and one in Alaska), Costa Rica as well as in New Zealand. Some of the markets that LeoLabs supports are:

  1. Satellite Operations – LeoLabs help support different stakeholders satellite operations e.g. start ups and universities & research labs
  2. Regulators – LeoLabs provides regulators with specific data on their satellite infrastructure such as risk of space debris and/or collision risk information.
  3. Insurance – LeoLabs provides annual risk reports for companies to help understand insurance risks from potential collisions. In addition, they provide reports on changes in the risk environment caused by new launches, breakups, and satellite failures.

Sustainability Development Goals

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